Saturday, November 18, 2006

First true love stays

I just spoke to Sterling, and after speaking to him I sobbed my fucking arse off, and I couldn't believe I did that considering the fact I dumped him.


Cause he's got a new woman he's gonna be married to.


I told him nevertheless I'm happy and all and then I broke down uncontrollably and hung up on him.
You can't help but sometimes have a lil tinge of jealousy when your significant other moves on after a heartbreaking affair with you. I guess its true then, you dump someone, they cry hard, you cry harder eventually. I am honestly happy, but deep down in me, I;ve always got a soft spot for him. And I will always have, because the passion and love you've had for each other is still there. And it was our first true relationship so it was a bit hard to accept after 3 years since we've both moved on. He took longer to recover and now that he told me he's got a lovely woman to support him in eveything, I feel......lost..guilty...and above all, fucking bitchy. He still loves me, he told me. It was a terribly hard moment. I felt like hugging him again, but I am in no situation to rob his freedom away, anymore. I guess I'll just love him, and miss him, becauSE I know, we would never ever see each other again. I wish we could..

Iris by Gooo Goo Dolls is a love token by Sterling to me. Listening to it makes me sob like never before.

It was my frist true love, and I dont know who else I could confide to besides blogging about it. I can't tell Nick cause he would get upset although i know deep down that he cares about how I felt towards him(Sterling) and we've had our share of upsetting events lately, this would be the last thing to add salt to his wounds.

It's really hard but its time to gather myself and move on.

Listening to: Scorpinos - Here I am(for Sterling)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He told me how you reacted when he said he was getting married to Elena.
You should not be sad, he loves you more than you think. Shutting him off would not help you or him in many ways.
I do know you still miss him, but you have Nick. He's a sweety, and cherish every moment you have with him, but do not forget Sterling. He thinks about you everyday and is trying to help you combat your sadness and depression.
Just talk to him when you see him online and leave him an e-mail. He was devastated when you spoke that was to him.


4:14 pm  

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