Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Jogging that stresses you out!

When people attempt to go for a jog, it is meant to be a peaceful, tranquil and healthy attempt. Not to me! i'll tell you why.

Firstly, the moment you step into the jogging park, looking so tranquil with shady verdant gardens and trees and serene ponds, and you just feel like closing your eyes and feel the breeze over your skin, and the bliss is interrupted by screaming and wailing children when they fall down and all. Trust me, I lvoe children, but you dont bring your 1 year old and force him/her to walk and when he/she falls down they cry worse than a broken record. Damn. So much for finding peace and keeping focus.

Secondly, the paths are so tiny and there are two paths (one is meant for cancer patients to do their exercise, and they dont take up the whole path) so why dont people just go to the otehr path(well dont overcrowd it) and do your shit without clogging the whole path. The most annoying group of people who do that are fat Indian middle-aged blokes talking business in the middle of the jogging park. Youll never have any idea of the fuming emotions inside me when I see these oversized, shiny-bald head blokes clogging the paths. Guess what pals, go get more wax and put on your shiny head to clog your brains more so you cant fuckign think?? Fuckinhg assholes, we are here to keep fit not to keep fat and act all verbal. No sense of being private I suppose!

Thirdly, when you are jogging in a linera motion only to be interrupted by a 1 foot tall kid running all over and refusing to give way to people who are jogging. And they give you such sulky faces you feel like lifting the kid and flocking it in the pond with the tortoises and the fishes! Damn kids, you people are darlings but when you throw tantrums you are nothing but a firct class, sealed pain in teh ass! GIVE FUCKING WAY! Parnets are so nonchalant about all these. Goes to show how much parents give a shit about their kids.

Fourthly, you get mamak stalls opening in tne midst of A JOGGING PARK! Hello! How more annoying this could be.

Fifth, you are enjoying your jog and you love the atmosphere around you, not when a fucking idiot suddenly does a gurgling sound and you find his phlegm on the road the next time. Damn! Such uncivility!! urrrgggghhhhhh!!! you fucking gross men and women!!!! I tnink seeing the body of a cat run over by a truck with its intenstines and gall bladder detached from its body, head severed is more decent than your fucking phlegm

Sixth, The overly commercial park now. When I came here forst like 7 years ago it was so peaceful and wonderful to be at, but now. Its like a funfair, Not fun!!

OK I've had enough of ranting


Listening to : The Fray


Anonymous Anonymous said...


That was funny


12:54 pm  

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