Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's been awhile since I've done things that I used to do before I landed myself in this job. Now that I finally have some time for a breather, I should just sit here in my extremely messy work station and blog about what I've been up to and what kept me missing for a while.

This one whole month of this job is meant to shift my super immature mentality to an extremely forward thinking, fast paced "grown up" woman's mentality. Inthis case, I am forever lost in between "big conversations" and "high, corporate mentalities". SCARY? I dont think so anymore. I believe I have taken this path for a while to get myself on track, to think forward and be more mature in life. There are other ways to seek maturity as you age, but this made my mind sweep into the waves of bureaucracy and that can be fun.

Enough of that. Every week there's something to be always done. But on the dark side, after 8++ hours of sitting right in front of my dual screen computer(it doesnt rock anymore, it kills), I emerge from the office like a hobo lost in civilization, looking like a red eyed monster, who doesnt feel like looking at the computer screen anymore during the weekend. Working here makes me hate computers like anything, hence the reason I've gone missing from blogging and so forth.

Last night the CEO and MD of Asia was in KL and he hosted a cocktail evening at the office's lounge. And the food was absolutely delectable. All by San Fran Smokehouse(?). Concoction of tandoori fish, samosas so fine it melts in your mouth so fast, honey glazed chicken wings, spaghetti and clams, loads and loads of mouth watering cakes, cheese and biscuit platter, free flow of wine and spirits..aaahh.. As I stepped into the function, my dear bureau chief introduced me to the MD. Why of all people he had to introduce me la? I'm such a koochie fart in the office, almost non existent(except my loud mouth). And he started talking to me about my work, 3/4 of which I do not have any answers to. My bureau chief did alot of backup for me. I felt like a bloody loser. To add salt to spoil my repo, my face was bleached in horror, pimples squeaking out for no good reason. BAH. All in all it was a good night, trying to fit in the "big crowd" there. After that Shanice and I went to watch Mr Bean's Holiday. Really hilarious. That two words sums it all up.

The week before two blokes from the Singaporean office came to visit. One of them was the Singaporean Bureau Chief and the other a corporate journalist. Had loads of pints in Chinoz, gossiped.Topics included politics, corporate staff(chose not to participate), ipods, etc etc. Interesting stuff actually.

And more...haha.

OK, lets talk about the movies I've watched so far. I went for 300 with my sister last weekend. Totally exhilarating. Loads of violence that I heart. Well made. Future movies would be "An Inconvenient Truth", Charlotte's Web", and "Pan's Labyrinth".

Ever since I've worked here in KLCC, no women's temptation can be put to stop. I've spent close to 2000 ringgit on retail therapy this whole month and I'm kicking myself for it, even though I love all the stuff and dining I've done so far. And I plan to shop more later. Haha. Someone shoot me please. I'm not saying like its a good thing you know. It sucks to know your just spenidng and having nothing at the end of the day. It really sucks.

I really miss all my friends in UTAR, especially the good ones - Deborah, Ashley, Harwin and Jasmine. I wonder what you guys are up to. Congrats to Jasmine on your new job. Hope for much more to come.

Love you all alot, but its time for lunch. I've been starving since 11pm last night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi dar,

i'm doing alright. really miss you. being here made me realize what a wonderful friend you are. take good care ok?

do keep in touch and lemme know when u leave for uk.

love ya loads.

2:54 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you =)

Me got a another offer - internal one....haha =P but i have to be based up there which sucks

Me miss u loads too...... working life is nothing like how it used to be

3:36 pm  
Blogger Ashley Liew said...

I tagged you!

4:15 pm  

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